Welcome to the third part in our five part series on ABLE accounts. The first two parts explained what ABLE accounts are and who may want to consider opening one. In this part, we’ll look at a few reasons why you may want to consider opening an ABLE account. What is an ABLE account? Before…
Welcome to the second part in our five part series on ABLE accounts. The first part explained what ABLE accounts are. In this part, we’ll discuss who may want to consider opening an ABLE account. What is an ABLE account? Before 2015, blind people who received Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Medicaid, or other government benefits,…
Welcome to the first part in our five part series on ABLE accounts. In this part, we’ll discuss what an ABLE account is and what it offers. Throughout this series, we’ll discuss: Who may want to consider opening an ABLE account Why an ABLE Account may be a great opportunity for someone who is blind…
For this last episode of 2021, we’re sharing a recording of a Zoom call hosted by our friend Mo Carpenter. She runs a Facebook group for blind parents called “Parenting Out Of Sight Kids,” and they host a biweekly zoom call discussing topics of interest to blind parents. During last month’s call, we had a…
The American Council of the blind and National Federation of the blind both hold national conventions every year in mid summer, and both conventions are a great place to network with other blind people who may have similar interests. They’re also a great place to find job, business, and volunteer opportunities. One of the people…
Have you ever said, “I just can’t eat healthy because it’s too expensive”? This is a common belief, so we invited licensed personal trainer and nutrition specialist Marana Vradenberg on to the show to talk about what it means to eat healthy, how we can eat healthy at home or at a restaurant and still…
When it comes to saving, investing, and planning for the future, do you ever find yourself wondering whether you should do it yourself or ask someone else for help? It’s a difficult decision to make, and we often don’t ask someone for help until we’ve made mistakes that make us feel ashamed and embarrassed about…
This is a special episode of the Penny Forward podcast prompted by a post to the Penny Forward Facebook group. Kaiti Shelton wondered if we could do an episode on fitness on a budget. We thought that was a great idea, and we decided to collaborate with Greg Linberg of the Eyes Free Sports podcast…