Ready to take control of your finances? 🎉 Get our free Financial Planning Guide for People with Vision Loss and start your journey toward financial independence today!
Welcome to our Careers category, where you’ll discover inspiring stories and practical information about the diverse jobs blind people are successfully doing, how they navigate their roles, and the paths they took to find these opportunities. Whether you’re pursuing employment or self-employment, this section is filled with advice, insights, and real-world examples to help guide you toward your career goals. Explore this space for the encouragement and tips you need to thrive professionally.
The following email was sent to us by Justin T. Young at the National Federation of the Blind. On December 4, 2024, the US Department of Labor released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) regarding the phaseout of Section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act. The National Federation of the Blind fully supports this…
The American Printing House for the Blind received a grant to assess the value of the Monarch as a tool to support adults to prepare for or advance in employment.
The activities that bring us the most joy are also often the ones that make us the most money. On the flip side, the little and not-so-little tasks that fill up our days—managing household chores, dealing with inaccessible systems, or fumbling with overly complicated tech—rarely bring in income.
As an Accredited Financial Counselor (AFC®), one of the most fulfilling aspects of my work is helping people achieve their financial goals. Whether it’s buying a home, retiring comfortably, or simply gaining control over day-to-day expenses, seeing someone succeed is incredibly rewarding. But here’s the thing: to reach any goal, you first have to know…
Starting a business is a popular path for many people who are blind or have low vision to increase their income and pursue their passions. So, it’s no surprise that I often get requests to help people develop their business plans. Recently, while working with a client on her business plan, she asked me, “Do…
Because of National Disability Employment Awareness Month, we wanted to focus on Penny Forward’s employment programs, so we brought on Jeremy Grandstaff, who leads our youth employment and advocacy programs, and is also the author of our Employment Essentials course, to talk about those things. In addition to his work with Penny Forward, Jeremy lives…