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Welcome to our Careers category, where you’ll discover inspiring stories and practical information about the diverse jobs blind people are successfully doing, how they navigate their roles, and the paths they took to find these opportunities. Whether you’re pursuing employment or self-employment, this section is filled with advice, insights, and real-world examples to help guide you toward your career goals. Explore this space for the encouragement and tips you need to thrive professionally.
In this installment of the Penny Forward podcast, we are joined by Ted Tahquechi, a visually impaired adventurer and the mind behind the Blind Travels blog. He recounts his personal odyssey and imparts wisdom for traversing the globe with impaired vision. He also sheds light on the significance of adaptive technology and service animals, and…
Hey there, fellow freelancers and self-employed hustlers! Last time, we delved into the nitty-gritty of why profit, not just revenue, is the real measure of success when you’re working for yourself. We also highlighted how keeping solid records can simplify figuring out your bottom line. Today, we’re taking it a step further and tackling the…
Last week, I spilled the beans on how I swiftly transformed my concept of digitizing old-school cassettes and vinyl into a budding online business, Analog Archivers. Sure, it’s not exactly raking in the big bucks just yet, but hey, Rome wasn’t built in a day, right? In the midst of this journey, I realized something…
If you’re like me, always on the lookout for ways to make a little extra cash, then you’ve come to the right place. As blind people, we might not have the option to hop in a car and drive for Uber, but that doesn’t mean our entrepreneurial dreams should be limited. With a bit of…
The art of asking: or, How I learned to stop worrying and let people help by Amanda Palmer Ted Talk This book is an extended version of Amanda Palmer’s Ted talk of the same name. You can watch it here. Reviewers Thoughts If life were a symphony, Amanda Palmer’s “The Art of Asking”…
This week we have Chris Peterson, CEO of Penny Forward, on to discuss our organization’s evolution and future plans. We recount his personal journeys, the unexpected challenges like surprise babies and the COVID-19 pandemic, and how these led to the creation of Penny Forward. Our organization has developed online courses, a mobile app, and received…
A Message from Penny Forward Founder and CEO, Chris Peterson Hey there goal-setters and dreamers, As we pass by the midpoint of this months fresh starts and ambitious resolutions, I want to throw a curveball your way and introduce you to the unexpected hero of achievement – pessimism. Yes, you heard it right, that seemingly…
As Penny Forward is celebrating the holiday season, we are pulling up from the archive a previously played episode that is not on our current podcast feed, with a newly added transcript. Please note above this point will appear on each Podcast related page. Below this point will be page specific information. Connect with Penny…
The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich by Timothy Ferriss Reviewers Thoughts ‘The 4-Hour Workweek’ does not set out to wave a banner for the blind or those with disabilities, but it is a gem for shaking up the way we think about work and money. As someone rooting…
As Penny Forward is celebrating the holiday season, we are pulling up from the archive a previously played episode that is not on our current podcast feed, with a newly added transcript. Show notes This episode was recorded in the very early days of the Penny Forward podcast, and certain advertisements or information may be…