Ready to take control of your finances? 🎉 Get our free Financial Planning Guide for People with Vision Loss and start your journey toward financial independence today! Download Now!
In this episode, we have Richard Rueda, Katie Frederick, and Lori Scharff, not necessarily in that order, from the APH Connect Center, back on, as we do almost every year at about this time, to talk about the APH Connect Center. For those of you who are unaware of what that is, we’ll tell you…
Discover the secrets to saving time and money while eating well with our upcoming workshop, “Meal Planning Magic.” Join us as we delve into practical strategies and tips to master meal planning and grocery shopping on a budget. To enjoy this content, simply sign up for a Penny Forward membership. If you’re already a member,…
The Dumb Things Smart People Do With Their Money: Thirteen Ways to Right Your Financial Wrongs – Appendix
Are you ready to take charge of your educational journey and plan for lifelong learning? Join us for our upcoming workshop, “Budgeting for Lifelong Learning,” where we will explore essential strategies to manage education costs effectively, tailored specifically for adult and non-traditional students. To enjoy this content, simply sign up for a Penny Forward membership.…
Chris, Liz, and MOe talk with Mike Calvo, co-founder of Pneuma Solutions, about how, as a high school dropout, running with the wrong crowd, he found growth, success, and belonging in the blind community. Show notes Connect with Pneuma Solutions Pneuma Solutions Website: Connect with Penny Forward Clubhouse House Facebook Youtube Get our…
The Dumb Things Smart People Do With Their Money: ‘Dumb Thing #12: You don’t have a will.’ and ‘Dumb Thing #13: You try to time the market”
Are you ready to take control of your technology budget while embracing accessibility and innovation? Join us for our technology budgeting workshop. To enjoy this content, simply sign up for a Penny Forward membership. If you’re already a member, just log in using the form below. We’re excited to have you on board!
Tuesday Turning Pages Book Brunch August 13: The Dumb Things Smart People Do With Their Money: ‘Dumb Thing #10: You don’t plan for the care of your aging parents.’ and ‘Dumb Thing #11: You buy the wrong kinds of insurance or none at all.’
Are you ready to set your children on the path to financial success? Join us for this exciting workshop, “SmartStart: Schooling Children to Budget,” designed to provide parents and those educating the next generations, with essential tools and strategies to teach their kids about money management. To enjoy this content, simply sign up for a…
Recording Tuesday’s Turning Pages Book Brunch August 6: The Dumb Things Smart People Do With Their Money. ‘Dumb Thing #8: You indulged yourself too much in your early retirment years.’ and ‘Dumb Thing #9: You saddle your kids with your own money issues.’