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Welcome to our blindness or low vision category, where everything is created from a blindness perspective. Penny Forward is a nonprofit organization founded and led by blind people, driven by the belief that financial independence is truly for everyone. Here, you’ll find articles, podcast episodes, and workshop recordings—all designed to help both the blind and sighted communities achieve their financial goals. Explore this section to gain insights and practical advice on building financial , regardless of your level of vision.
A Message From Penny Forward Founder and CEO Chris Peterson This week I read several articles quoting Michael Gervais,, a psychologist and author of “The First Rule of Mastery: Stop Worrying About What People Think of You”, coming out in print, e-book and audiobook on December fifth. I’m excited to read and review this book…
Careers In Personal Finance Part 1: Financial Advisor or Financial Planner We are excited to invite you to our members-only group chats throughout the month of November, where we will be hosting a four-part series on “Careers in Personal Finance.” Whether you have a passion for helping individuals make, manage, or grow their money, or…
A Message from Peggy Chong, The Blind History Lady Thanksgiving will be here soon. I have much to be thankful for in my life. This year, I am adding one more item to the list of things to be thankful for every year, fair insurance. Five decades ago, the beginnings of legislation passed state houses, forbidding discrimination…
You Are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero Reviewer’s Thoughts: The title of this book alone was enough to peak my interest and decide to pick it up. I am pleased to report that enjoyment of this book went beyond its title. Written in easy-to-understand language and presented in chapters that I…
You are a badass at making money Over the month of October, you joined us for a read along where we read, “You Are a Badass at Making Money” by Jen Sincero. Now we heard what you thought of the book. You came to this week’s group chat and discussed everything you wish to about the…
In this collaborative podcast episode between the Penny Forward Podcast and the American Council of the Blind (ACB) Advocacy Update Podcast, we explore the past and future of accessible currency. This week we look more into what has been the recent history and what we need to do to make sure accessible currency comes sooner…
A Message From Penny Forward Founder and CEO Chris Peterson As we continue our journey to empower blind individuals in their personal, professional, and financial lives, I want to take a moment to reflect on the potential of generative AI and its incredible impact. I’m thrilled to share my thoughts on how this technology could…
October’s Financial Odyssey Part 3 – Harvesting Financial Wisdom We were thrilled to invite you to part 3 of our October members-only group chat series, where we concluded our exciting adventure, delving deep into the intricacies of managing your finances through the ever-changing seasons of adulthood. Just like nature transitioned from Spring to Summer to…