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Welcome to our blindness or low vision category, where everything is created from a blindness perspective. Penny Forward is a nonprofit organization founded and led by blind people, driven by the belief that financial independence is truly for everyone. Here, you’ll find articles, podcast episodes, and workshop recordings—all designed to help both the blind and sighted communities achieve their financial goals. Explore this section to gain insights and practical advice on building financial , regardless of your level of vision.
This is a special episode of the Penny Forward podcast prompted by a post to the Penny Forward Facebook group. Kaiti Shelton wondered if we could do an episode on fitness on a budget. We thought that was a great idea, and we decided to collaborate with Greg Linberg of the Eyes Free Sports podcast…
If upon hearing the phrase “identity theft,” your first thought is, “Oh, crap!” You are not alone. While the topic of identity theft can evoke feelings of overwhelming dread, there are accessible resources out there if you find yourself a victim of identity theft as well as steps that can be taken to minimize the…
Taylor Arndt founded Taylor’s Accessibility Services after she lost her job due to the COVID-19 pandemic. She used her expertise in accessible web design to start a successful web hosting and web accessibility consulting company, and we wanted to learn how she made that possible through building a network of relationships with other blind people.…
We want to know how to make, keep, and grow money on the Penny Forward podcast, and making money usually involves finding a job, or starting a business. Ron Brooks has done both, and we invited him on to learn how he did it, and what he thinks it takes for other blind people to…
Penny Forward founder Chris Peterson was featured on a recent episode of the ABLE to Save podcast from the ABLE National Resource Center. Chris feels that ABLE accounts can be a powerful tool for blind people to build wealth that can be used to weather hard times, take advantage of rare opportunities, and support causes…
What is the hardest part of starting a business? For Leena Ann Solusar, it was the fear that it was wrong to charge for her services. We wanted to learn how Leena overcame that fear, so we invited her on to tell us how surviving a sexual assault, coming to terms with her sexual orientation,…
Do you feel like your mental health impacts your ability to be successful? If so, then you may be able to relate to this week’s guest. Everett Elam is an assistive technology instructor with World Services for the Blind in Little Rock Arkansas. He’s a pretty successful guy with a full time job. He’s an…
Can you relate to this story? A blind person has done well in school, applied for jobs with and without disclosing his blindness, repeatedly gotten rejected until it seemed like there was no end in sight, and finally found a job he didn’t really want? We can and we’re sure you can too. The system…