Ready to take control of your finances? 🎉 Get our free Financial Planning Guide for People with Vision Loss and start your journey toward financial independence today! Download Now!
Welcome to Penny Forward, a nonprofit organization founded and led by blind people. We empower each other to confidently navigate the complicated landscape of personal finance. We offer self-paced online financial education courses, weekly and monthly personal finance workshops, and one to one financial counseling provided by blind financial counselors.
Learn about the founder of this startup and what it takes to make your dream turn into reality. Show notes Guest: Amos Miller Glidance Website: Glidance Facebook Profile Glidance LinkedIn Profile: Glidance Instagram Profile: Connect with Penny Forward Clubhouse House Facebook Youtube Get our app, guest membership is free! IOS/AppleGooglePlay Post Production help provided by…
One of the most common questions we receive about employment is, “When and how should I disclose my blindness or vision impairment?” It’s a tricky question with no clear-cut answers, and one that we grappled with when developing our Employment Essentials course, which we released earlier this year. On the one hand, you don’t want…
I’m thrilled to share some exciting news today—Penny Forward’s very own Moe Carpenter has passed the Accredited Financial Counselor, AFC®, exam! 🎉 This is such a huge milestone for Moe, and I couldn’t be more proud of all the hard work and dedication she’s put in to achieve this.
Let me tell you about the time I thought I’d struck gold. Out of the blue, I received an email from an administrative assistant at PBS—the Public Broadcasting System, the very beacon of education and public good in America. She wanted to set up a meeting with Stephanie Lewis, a senior producer for “Viewpoint Hosted…
Join us for a comprehensive session where we break down the complexities of estate planning into manageable steps. To enjoy this content, simply sign up for a Penny Forward membership. If you’re already a member, just log in using the form below. We’re excited to have you on board! Username or E-mail Password Remember Me…
In this episode, we have Richard Rueda, Katie Frederick, and Lori Scharff, not necessarily in that order, from the APH Connect Center, back on, as we do almost every year at about this time, to talk about the APH Connect Center. For those of you who are unaware of what that is, we’ll tell you…