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Welcome to Penny Forward, a nonprofit organization founded and led by blind people. We empower each other to confidently navigate the complicated landscape of personal finance. We offer self-paced online financial education courses, weekly and monthly personal finance workshops, and one to one financial counseling provided by blind financial counselors.
IRS Tax Tip 2023-05, January 12, 2023 In recent years, the gig economy has changed how people do business and provide services. Taxpayers must report their gig economy earnings on a tax return – whether they earned that money through a part-time, temporary or side gig.  Read on
Tax Documents, What You Need Last week we walked through the process of ordering an accessible credit report in large print, Braille, or audio using the automated telephone service at 1 (877) 332-8228. This week we continued to talk about money moves you can make to kick off 2023 as we talked about taxes. Tax…
Tax Tip 2023-04, January 11, 2023 Many taxpayers make quarterly estimated tax payments during the year to stay current on their taxes. Anyone who paid too little tax in 2022 needs to make a fourth quarter payment on or before January 17 to avoid an unexpected potential tax bill or penalty when they file in…
How to Get an Accessible Credit Report If you want to get financially healthier in 2023, one of the first things you can do is review your credit reports. On this week’s call, we reviewed options for getting your credit reports in accessible formats and demonstrated the process for requesting your credit reports in Braille.…
Whether you’re a financial wellness newbie or guru, the start of the new year is a great reason to make small tweaks that’ll make a big difference. Here are some money moves my family made to kick off 2023. We Opened A New High Yield Savings Account As interest rates have risen, and markets have…
How does time and the calendar effect your finances? As much of the western world celebrates holidays and approaches the start of a new year, we took time , pun intended, and discussed the ways that the calendar impacts our finances. We also left time to talk about anything you want to talk about. …
Managing Holiday Money Stress Have you cracked the code to avoid financial stress during the holidays? We haven’t either, but each of us has found tricks that help. Maybe you have too. Join us this month to share your favorite holiday budgeting tips and tricks. Missed the Program? Watch the replay…
How one brain chemical influences our financial behavior When it comes to shopping, are you out of control? If so, you’re not alone. This week we talked about how a brain chemical called Dopamine is involved in the feelings of pleasure you experience when you shop. we worked together to come up with strategies you…
Join us this week for a in person recording with 3 of the founders of Penny Forward; Chris, Liz, and MOe, as they attended the AFCPE Symposium in Orlando Fl this past Nov. Listen to them discuss the challenges of attending such an event as a person with a disability, and to the many directions…
Announcing… Penny Forward now has a email list! There are many in our community that just have an easier time operating email and currently our mailing list here are all one way traffic. This is why we thought it may be nice to begin a email list where you can communicate with others in…