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Welcome to Penny Forward, a nonprofit organization founded and led by blind people. We empower each other to confidently navigate the complicated landscape of personal finance. We offer self-paced online financial education courses, weekly and monthly personal finance workshops, and one to one financial counseling provided by blind financial counselors.
Do you worry about what might happen if something goes wrong with something expensive you depend on? How will you afford it if a home appliance or a vital piece of assistive technology fails unexpectedly? This week we talked about when and how to purchase warranties, insurance policies, or protection plans designed to help you…
We’ll be talking with Katie Metz, the director of the Financial Resilience Center at the National Disability Institute. We’ll be learning about how the Financial Resilience Center got started, what it currently offers, and what might be coming in the near future. Clubhouse House Facebook Youtube Get our app, guest membership is free! IOS/AppleGooglePlay…
something holding you back but you don’t know what it is? It may be your own beliefs. An episode of NPR’s Life Kit, released this week, explains that scientists refer to these as cognitive biases and tells us that they can keep us from achieving our goals because we believe that we’re not capable. This…
Spreadsheets are incredibly useful tools for managing your finances, and they’re easy to learn and use. This week we talked about how to use a spreadsheet to build a realistic budget for a road trip. This type of spreadsheet can also be useful for helping you keep track of the progress you have made in…
This week we talked about why it may be ok to save inconsistently. A paper by Yale finance professor James Choi made the news this week. Choi studied the advice from the 50 most popular personal finance books, according to GoodReads, and compared it to the advice economists give about the same topics. While personal…
This week, we talk all about investing, and more specifically, sustainable, or ESG, investing, with Penny Forward board member and podcast sponsor Kane Brolin, a blind certified financial planner, and chartered special needs consultant, who may be able to help you, no matter how much you have, or what stage of life you are in.…
Last week we talked about the power of patience. It can take years for many of us to achieve our most ambitious goals and it can be tempting to change the goal, take shortcuts to get there faster, or give up entirely. Those decisions can lead to regret, though, so we talked about why patiently…
Tonight we talked about the power of patience. It can take years for many of us to achieve our most ambitious goals and it can be tempting to change the goal, take shortcuts to get there faster, or give up entirely. Those decisions can lead to regret, though, so we talked about why patiently making…
This week we conclude a two-part interview with staff members from the APH Connect Center. The American Printing House for the Blind is a hundred and fifty-year-old organization that does a lot to promote the education of blind children and adults. The Connect Center is a branch of APH that maintains a series of websites…