Celebrating Moe Carpenter’s AFC® Exam Success: Expanding Penny Forward’s Team of Financial Counseling Experts

A Message from Founder and CEO, Chris Peterson

I’m thrilled to share some exciting news today—Penny Forward’s very own Moe Carpenter has passed the Accredited Financial Counselor, AFC®, exam! 🎉 This is such a huge milestone for Moe, and I couldn’t be more proud of all the hard work and dedication she’s put in to achieve this. She’s been working diligently since January 2023, juggling study sessions, work, and life. And while she still has a few of the required 1,000 experience hours to complete before becoming fully certified, this exam is a major step toward reaching that goal. The knowledge Moe has gained through this process is a game-changer, and it’s a testament to her commitment to helping people improve their financial health.

For those unfamiliar with the AFC® certification, let me tell you—it’s no walk in the park. The AFC® mark is recognized as the highest standard of excellence in financial counseling and education. Achieving this certification isn’t just about passing an exam; it’s about mastering a comprehensive set of skills and knowledge that allow you to effectively guide people through a variety of financial topics. Moe now has the expertise to support clients in areas ranging from budgeting and debt management to retirement planning and even understanding the financial aspects of major life purchases.

The AFC® certification is known for being one of the most rigorous and thorough programs in the industry. It’s not just about checking boxes or memorizing terms. It’s about building the confidence and competence needed to handle real-world financial challenges with precision. At Penny Forward, we believe in the importance of sound, research-backed financial advice, and Moe’s success in the program embodies that belief. She’s earned a level of credibility in her field that few achieve, and this certification will give her even more confidence to act in the best interest of her clients.

Let’s talk a bit about what the AFC® certification process involves because it’s pretty intense! The program is guided by research, rooted in academia, and supported by experts across the financial industry. When someone becomes an AFC, they are equipped to tackle a wide array of financial topics. Here are just a few of the key competencies Moe has mastered:

  • Setting the Stage and Gathering Client Information: It’s all about understanding a client’s financial situation in detail, from goals and concerns to their current financial standing.
  • Creating Action Plans: Moe can now help clients develop personalized strategies to reach their financial goals.
  • Developing Financial Statements, Ratios, and Spending Plans: Moe knows how to analyze a client’s financial health and create sustainable spending plans to keep them on track.
  • Managing Money, Credit, and Debt: From everyday budgeting to managing credit and eliminating debt, Moe has the tools to guide clients through some of the toughest financial challenges.
  • Educating Clients on Major Acquisitions: Whether it’s buying a home or a car, Moe can provide clear guidance on these life-changing purchases.
  • Discussing Investment Basics and Retirement Planning: Moe is also prepared to educate clients on the importance of planning for the future, whether it’s through investing or preparing for retirement.

On top of all that, Moe can also help clients navigate the complexities of estate planning and financial risk management—topics that often feel overwhelming but are so important to long-term financial security.

I also want to take a moment to acknowledge and thank the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education (AFCPE). They have been instrumental in supporting myself, Moe, and our entire cohort of AFC® candidates as we work toward certification. While there are still some challenges within the certification process, AFCPE has made significant strides in ensuring that the AFC® certification is achievable for everyone, regardless of race, gender identity, or disability. It’s this kind of commitment that we need more of in the financial industry, and we’re grateful for their support.

What does this mean for Penny Forward? Well, it means that our small but mighty team of qualified financial counseling professionals is about to grow! Moe will soon be working more actively with clients one-on-one, providing tailored financial counseling sessions. Her expertise will be invaluable in helping our community navigate their financial challenges with confidence. And that’s not all! Moe will also be stepping up her role in leading some of our group workshops, which have been an incredible resource for our members.

Many of you are already familiar with Moe through our popular —a fun, interactive space where we review personal finance books available through the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled’s Braille and Audio Reading Download (BARD) service. Moe has done an amazing job leading these discussions, and we’re excited to see her continue in that role as well. It’s a unique opportunity to learn about personal finance in an engaging, accessible format, and if you haven’t checked it out yet, I highly encourage you to join one of our sessions!

To wrap things up, I just want to say congratulations to Moe once again on this fantastic achievement. Passing the AFC® exam is a huge accomplishment, and it reflects not just her expertise but her passion for helping others achieve financial independence. We are so lucky to have her on our team, and I know she’s going to make a huge impact in the lives of everyone she works with. Moe, we’re all so proud of you!

And to our Penny Forward community—thank you for continuing to support us in our mission to make financial independence accessible to everyone, regardless of background or ability. Stay tuned for more updates as Moe completes her certification and begins working even more closely with all of you.

Here’s to celebrating milestones, personal growth, and the bright future ahead for Moe and for Penny Forward! 🎉


Chris Peterson, AFC®
Founder and CEO, Penny Forward

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