Financial Sense¢: How to Save $1,500 Annually by Reducing Food Waste

We were excited to invite you to this past month’s edition of the Financial Sense¢ program, where we delved into a topic that affects us all: food waste. According to a December 2022 Fortune article, it was revealed that Americans squandered approximately one-third of the food they purchased. Shockingly, this equated to the average family discarding a staggering $1,500 worth of unused food annually.
In an effort to make a positive impact on both our wallets and the environment, our latest Financial Sense¢ program focused on practical strategies to avoid food waste. We believed that together, we could make a significant change by implementing some straightforward yet effective techniques.



During the program MOe mentioned some books and wanted to write them down so you could find them.


The ultimate meal-prep cookbook: one grocery list. a week of meals. no waste DB 108750

America’s Test Kitchen

Turn meal prep dreams into reality with one concise shopping list for 5 weeknight meals. No more boring casseroles or repetitive beans. Create fresh, fast dinners tailored to your schedule with 25 weekly plans. Cut shopping and kitchen time, enjoy streamlined cooking with 12-item grocery lists and 45-minute recipes. Adapt with pantry staples and freeze for later. A versatile pantry, ingredient storage, safe food storage, and smart reheating tips included.



Cook once eat all week: 26 weeks of gluten-free, affordable meal prep to preserve your time & sanity DB95966

Garcia, Cassy

Collection of twenty-six meal plans and the corresponding recipes, with the goal of preparing an entire week’s meals in one night. Each week is centered around three ingredients: a meat protein, a vegetable, and a starch. Includes best practices for preparation, storage, and customization. 2019.




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