Podcast: How A Lifetime Of Investing Has Paid Off

If the topic of investing seems incredibly daunting, or your first thought upon hearing the word “investing” is, “I could never do that!” You are most definitely not alone. Additionally, while our inclination when our elders tell us things may be to not listen to them, much wisdom and invaluable life lessons can come from age and experience. Les Kriegler is 71 years old. Over his long life, he has enjoyed a successful career in the New York state rehabilitation system, both as a counselor and an administrator, raised two children with his wife Jane, and become a successful investor. We invited Les on because we think he has a lot to teach us about how investing can be a powerful tool to help blind people lead comfortable and care free lives.


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Post Production help provided by Brynn Lee: Superblink.org

Transcription services provided by Anne Verduin

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