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Watch this ABLE National Resource Center webinar to hear directly from ABLE account owners, including Penny Forward founder Chris Peterson, who will share their experience opening an ABLE account, why they knew ABLE was right for them, and how easy it was to get started. Learn from experienced account holders the significant opportunity for increased…
Welcome to the first part in our five part series on ABLE accounts. In this part, we’ll discuss what an ABLE account is and what it offers. Throughout this series, we’ll discuss: Who may want to consider opening an ABLE account Why an ABLE Account may be a great opportunity for someone who is blind…
Penny Forward founder Chris Peterson was featured on a recent episode of the ABLE to Save podcast from the ABLE National Resource Center. Chris feels that ABLE accounts can be a powerful tool for blind people to build wealth that can be used to weather hard times, take advantage of rare opportunities, and support causes…