Ready to take control of your finances? 🎉 Get our free Financial Planning Guide for People with Vision Loss and start your journey toward financial independence today! Download Now!
Are you ready to take control of your technology budget while embracing accessibility and innovation? Join us for our technology budgeting workshop. To enjoy this content, simply sign up for a Penny Forward membership. If you’re already a member, just log in using the form below. We’re excited to have you on board! Username or E-mail…
The IRS Alternative Media Center provides a variety of accessible services to help people who use assistive technology such as screen reading software, refreshable Braille displays, screen magnifying software and voice recognition software. Anyone can view and download hundreds of tax forms and publications in alternative formats, including: Text only. Braille-ready files. Browser-friendly HTML. Accessible…
In this episode of the Penny Forward podcast, hosts Chris Peterson and MOe Carpenter are joined by Cody Bair, a blind CPA from Colorado who specializes in research and development tax credits. With co-host Liz Bottner attending the American Council of the Blind D.C. Leadership Conference, the conversation is focused on understanding taxes from a…