Ready to take control of your finances? š Get our free Financial Planning Guide for People with Vision Loss and start your journey toward financial independence today! Download Now!
From We know that access to the right tools and information at the right time can change lives. At APH, our job is to break down barriers and empower students, families, adults, and educators, creating a future that belongs to everyone. Located in Louisville KY, we manufacture and distribute products and services for people…
The American Printing House for the Blind received a grant to assess the value of the Monarch as a tool to support adults to prepare for or advance in employment.
Whether you are a 15-year-old blind high school student or an 81-year-old blind attorney, financial literacy can save you thousands. Check out this story from APH CareerConnect about how Lisa Lloyd believes financial literacy is key to preventing financial abuse within the blind community. This story also describes how Penny Forward is working to close…