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Tony is a father, a job seeker, and a man who just wants to do right by his kids. He’s also blind, which adds an extra layer of complexity to everything he does—especially when it comes to finding work and dealing with government bureaucracy.
While the Penny Forward Podcast team is preparing for the holidays, we thought we’d re-run the last episode of 2021, we shared a recording of a Zoom call hosted by our friend Mo Carpenter. She runs a Facebook group for blind parents called “Parenting Out Of Sight Kids,” and they host a biweekly zoom call…
For this last episode of 2021, we’re sharing a recording of a Zoom call hosted by our friend Mo Carpenter. She runs a Facebook group for blind parents called “Parenting Out Of Sight Kids,” and they host a biweekly zoom call discussing topics of interest to blind parents. During last month’s call, we had a…