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In our January 8th, 2023, members only group chat, I demonstrated the process for ordering a Braille credit report from the automated telephone system at 1 (877) 332-8228. Large print and audio versions of your credit reports are also available using this system. It took about five days, including Saturday and Sunday, to receive the…
How to Get an Accessible Credit Report If you want to get financially healthier in 2023, one of the first things you can do is review your credit reports. On this week’s call, we reviewed options for getting your credit reports in accessible formats and demonstrated the process for requesting your credit reports in Braille.…
Minneapolis, MN – At a time of rising interest rates and economic uncertainty for millions of Americans, a Minnesota-based non-profit corporation, Penny Forward Inc, has expanded their innovative online financial education platform to include a brand-new online course designed to provide an introduction to credit reports to more than seven million Americans who are blind…