Tonight we checked up on your goals. Since we started these group chats we’ve focused on setting and achieving financial goals. This week we paused to talk about the goals you’ve set for yourself, the progress you’ve made toward achieving them, and any setbacks you’ve had along the way. To enjoy this content, simply sign…
This was the third call focusing on the SMART (specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, time-driven) framework for defining and achieving our financial goals. This we focused on actions we can take to get started, keep going, and cross the finish line to achieve our goals. Next week we’ll be discussing why we believe our goals are…
This week we talked about wrestling with “what-ifs”. When ever we encounter something new, our brains are wired to think about what could go wrong. This is a healthy instinct when we use it productively, but it can often hold us back by making us unreasonably afraid to make a change. We talked about some…