Ready to take control of your finances? 🎉 Get our free Financial Planning Guide for People with Vision Loss and start your journey toward financial independence today! Download Now!
Tony is a father, a job seeker, and a man who just wants to do right by his kids. He’s also blind, which adds an extra layer of complexity to everything he does—especially when it comes to finding work and dealing with government bureaucracy.
Times are tough, and it feels like every day brings a new challenge, especially for our blind and visually impaired community. So, grab a comfy seat, and let’s dive into what’s happening and how we can navigate these choppy waters together.
A Message from Penny Forward Founder and CEO, Chris Peterson Hello Penny Forward Members and Supporters! The holiday season is just around the corner, and if you’re anything like me, you probably find yourself spending way too much time debating every little purchase. It’s not just about finding something affordable; it’s about finding something useful.…
🎉 Celebrating Success: Announcing Our “Financial Independence is for Everyone” Contest Winners! 🎉 Hey, Penny Forward family! We have some thrilling news to share! On July 1st, 2024, we kicked off our first-ever “Financial Independence is for Everyone” contest with a bang, aiming to spread the word about the importance of accessible financial education for…
We are excited to invite you to our upcoming Wednesday Workshop on July 10th! While our team will be attending the American Council of the Blind (ACB) convention, we have prepared a special pre-recorded session just for you. In this engaging workshop, we’ll explore the various ways people assert their financial independence when it comes…
Attention Penny Forward supporters We were excited to invite you to Penny Forward’s November Financial Sense¢ program. We all know how overwhelming the endless flood of personal finance advice can be these days – books, podcasts, YouTube, TikTok – it’s everywhere! And let’s not forget the challenge of making sure it’s accessible to the blind…
October’s Financial Odyssey Part 1 – Planting Seeds of Independence We were thrilled to invite you to part 1 of our October members-only group chat series, where we embarked on an exciting adventure that delved deep into the intricacies of managing your finances through the ever-changing seasons of adulthood. Just like nature transitions from Spring…
“Whether someone wants to be independent with their finances is their absolute decision…but what I don’t want that decision to be based around is the fact that someone cannot see anymore…I want to help [people] realize that there are options.” – Liz Bottner Announcement This past week Penny Forward’s President and Vise President were…