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There’s A Rule For That Tonight’s topic of discussion was financial rules of thumb that can help you estimate how much to save, how long it’ll take your savings to double, and much more. Whether you’re just starting to save for the future or looking to make the most of your current investments, this group…
Financial Independence Financial independence is the ultimate goal for many of us. The idea of not having to work for money and instead focusing on our passions and interests is very appealing. But how much do you actually need to achieve financial independence and live comfortably without having to work? This week in our members-only…
Tonight we talked about how to find extra money to save and invest. Investing can be a powerful tool for growing our savings, and having enough saved can give us peace of mind when something suddenly comes up. What do you do, though, if you don’t have any money left over to save? We’ll discuss…
This week we talked about investing from a beginners perspective and explored the Yahoo Finance app, which has some interesting accessible charts that you can use to analyze the history of individual stocks or the market as a whole. Chris had Internet issues during this call, so this recording may be corrupted, but we’re posting…
If the topic of investing seems incredibly daunting, or your first thought upon hearing the word “investing” is, “I could never do that!” You are most definitely not alone. Additionally, while our inclination when our elders tell us things may be to not listen to them, much wisdom and invaluable life lessons can come from…
Welcome to the first part in our five part series on ABLE accounts. In this part, we’ll discuss what an ABLE account is and what it offers. Throughout this series, we’ll discuss: Who may want to consider opening an ABLE account Why an ABLE Account may be a great opportunity for someone who is blind…