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Please note you must be a member of the Penny Forward website/app to have access to this recording. Session 8 We finsihed the book this week. Reading When You Feel Like Quitting, to the end of book. We will start getting ready to read “Money Out Loud,” next week. We have provided the recording for…
Please note you must be a member of the Penny Forward website/app to have access to this recording. Session 7 This week we went over Chapter 7: Slaying your Debt and Chapter 8: Teaching your kids to budget. Your homework is to read Chapter 9: When You Feel Like Giving up to end of book.…
Please note you must be a member of the Penny Forward website/app to have access to this recording. Session 6 This week we went over Chapter 6: Budgeting as a Couple. This chapter goes over best practices for keeping love and finances together in harmony. Your homework is to read Chapter 7 and 8:…
Please note you must be a member of the Penny Forward website/app to have access to this recording. Session 5 This week we went over Chapter 5: Rule 4, Age Your Money. This chapter is about getting your funds to stay in your accounts for longer and longer. Ideally a month or more, but…
Please note you must be a member of the Penny Forward website/app to have access to this recording. Session 4 This week we went over Chapter 4: Rule 3, Roll With the Punches. This week was all about looking at what really happens during the month, and realizing that, “Changing my budget is not…
Please note you must be a member of the Penny Forward website/app to have access to this recording. Session 3 This week we went over Chapter 3: Rule 2, embrace Your True Expenses. We shared about items that we are happy or feel needed to budget for like taking into consideration tech repair expenses and…