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Continuing the theme of “employment”, Chris and Moe sit down with Penny Forward’s Vice President Liz Bottner to discuss her employment journey ultimately leading to her position as Assistive Technology Specialist for the Library of Congress. Liz tell us all about her employment history and what she believes is key to being successfully employed as…
“Whether someone wants to be independent with their finances is their absolute decision…but what I don’t want that decision to be based around is the fact that someone cannot see anymore…I want to help [people] realize that there are options.” – Liz Bottner Announcement This past week Penny Forward’s President and Vise President were…
Join us this week for a in person recording with 3 of the founders of Penny Forward; Chris, Liz, and MOe, as they attended the AFCPE Symposium in Orlando Fl this past Nov. Listen to them discuss the challenges of attending such an event as a person with a disability, and to the many directions…