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National Savings Day is the perfect opportunity to take your savings habits to the next level. Join us and we’ll explore practical tips and tools to help you save smarter and build a stronger financial future.  What to Expect Introduction (10 minutes) Main Topic (45 minutes) Closing (5 minutes) No matter where you are in…
A discussion on how to financially prepare and stock your pantry effectively. What to Expect Introduction (10 minutes) Main Topics (45 minutes) Q&A and Closing (5 minutes) To enjoy this content, simply sign up for a Penny Forward membership. If you’re already a member, just log in using the form below. We’re excited to have…
We were excited to invite you to this past month’s edition of the Financial Sense¢ program, where we delved into a topic that affects us all: food waste. According to a December 2022 Fortune article, it was revealed that Americans squandered approximately one-third of the food they purchased. Shockingly, this equated to the average family…
How one brain chemical influences our financial behavior When it comes to shopping, are you out of control? If so, you’re not alone. This week we talked about how a brain chemical called Dopamine is involved in the feelings of pleasure you experience when you shop. we worked together to come up with strategies you…