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Book Brunch: You Need a Budget Chapter 5 Rule 4
Please note you must be a member of the Penny Forward website/app to have access to this recording. Session 5 This week we went over Chapter 5: Rule 4, Age Your Money. This chapter is about getting your funds to stay in your accounts for longer and longer. Ideally a month or more, but…
Book Brunch: You Need a Budget Chapter 4 Rule 3
Please note you must be a member of the Penny Forward website/app to have access to this recording. Session 4 This week we went over Chapter 4: Rule 3, Roll With the Punches. This week was all about looking at what really happens during the month, and realizing that, “Changing my budget is not…
Book Brunch: You Need a Budget Chapter 3 Rule 2
Please note you must be a member of the Penny Forward website/app to have access to this recording. Session 3 This week we went over Chapter 3: Rule 2, embrace Your True Expenses. We shared about items that we are happy or feel needed to budget for like taking into consideration tech repair expenses and…
Book Brunch: You Need a Budget Chapter 2
Please note you must be a member of the Penny Forward website/app to have access to this recording. Session 1 This week we went over Chapter 2: Rule 1, Give Every Dollar a Job. We made a list of budget line items, and then tried to decide if they were a obligated expense or a…
Book Brunch: You Need a Budget Chapter 1
Please note you must be a member of the Penny Forward website/app to have access to this recording. Session 1 This week we discussed the Introduction and Chapter 1 Next week we will be discussing Chapter 2 or Rule 1, Give Every Dollar a Job. We have provided the recording for those that may not…