Wednesday Workshop: Ways to Budget

This week we talked about different ways of budgeting, and how that makes us feel. We also talked about common emotions around the term “budget.”   Recording Guest members and site visitors will need to upgrade or create an account to get access to this recording.

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2 responses to “Wednesday Workshop: Ways to Budget”

  1. Sarah May Avatar
    Sarah May

    To whom This May Concern:

    My name is Sarah. I’m a free member of Penny Forward. I tried to access the Wednesday workshop for Feb. 7th. when I tried to access it: I received a message saying “sorry you aren’t able to access the recording.” Even though, I’m a free member, and I created an account and profile, wouldn’t I still have access to the Wednesday workshops?

    If someone could respond back to this concern: as soon as possible, I’d really would appreciate it!

    Thank you very much!


    1. MOe Carpenter Avatar
      MOe Carpenter

      Hello Sarah,
      I have sent you an email in response to this, in case that is a faster mode of communication for you. Unfortunately the Wednesday Workshops and their recordings are for paying members only. However I am so glad you left this comment as it will put this type of topic at the top of our priorities for further blog content.
      Take care,
      MOe Carpenter

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