Wednesday Workshops

Wednesday Workshops
Wednesday Workshops

Each week, Penny Forward members meet to learn from and support each other as they become better money managers. These workshops are recorded so members can listen to workshops they missed or refer back to particularly memorable topics.

Coming Up Next

  • Wednesday Workshop: Challenge Accepted, Make it Fun and Easy to Save

    10/23/2024: 6:30 pm

    Saving money doesn’t have to feel like a chore—it can be exciting, motivating, and even fun! We’ll introduce you to creative savings challenges that can help you grow your savings while enjoying the process. We also invite you to bring your own ideas. What to Expect  Introduction (10 minutes)  Introduce the concept of savings challenges…

Recent Recordings

  • Wednesday Workshop: Power of Patience

    Tonight we talked about the power of patience. It can take years for many of us to achieve our most ambitious goals and it can be tempting to change the goal, take shortcuts to get there faster, or give up entirely. Those decisions can lead to regret, though, so we talked about why patiently making…

  • Wednesday Workshop: Achieving Financial Goals

    Tonight we checked up on your goals. Since we started these group chats we’ve focused on setting and achieving financial goals. This week we paused to talk about the goals you’ve set for yourself, the progress you’ve made toward achieving them, and any setbacks you’ve had along the way. To enjoy this content, simply sign…

  • Wednesday Workshop: Tracking Your Income and Expenses

    Tonight we continued talking about how to find money to save and invest. This week we’ll walk through a spreadsheet we developed to make it easy to create a budget. Many people like to use budgeting applications such as Quicken, Mint, or YNAB to keep track of their income and expenses, but spreadsheets are a…

  • Wednesday Workshop: Finding Money To Save and Invest

    Tonight we talked about how to find extra money to save and invest. Investing can be a powerful tool for growing our savings, and having enough saved can give us peace of mind when something suddenly comes up. What do you do, though, if you don’t have any money left over to save? We’ll discuss…

  • Wednesday Workshop: Risks and Benefits of Investing

    This week we talked about the risks and benefits of using investing to achieve our goals more quickly. When we first learn about investing, many of us immediately wonder how we can use investing to speed up saving for a short-term goal such as a vacation or a new home. We also tend to look…

  • Wednesday Workshop: Investing in Dividend Stocks

    This week we talked about how investing in dividend stocks can help us earn more from our investments. Investing in growing companies can be a great way to grow your savings more quickly, but is buying low and selling high the only way to earn money from our investments? Dividends are distributions of a company’s…

  • Wednesday Workshop: Yahoo’s Finance App

    This week we continued looking at investing from a beginners perspective using the Yahoo Finance app’s accessible charts. Specifically, we discussed how investing in a large number of stocks, using a fund, is less risky than investing an individual company stock. We also discussed how investing over long periods of time is less risky than…

  • Wednesday Workshop: Yahoo Finance App

    This week we talked about investing from a beginners perspective and explored the Yahoo Finance app, which has some interesting accessible charts that you can use to analyze the history of individual stocks or the market as a whole. Chris had Internet issues during this call, so this recording may be corrupted, but we’re posting…

  • Wednesday Workshop: Anxiety’s Impact On Financial Goals

    This week we talked about how social anxiety and low self-esteem blocks us from achieving our financial goals. We shared some strategies we can practice at home for improving our self-esteem and reducing our anxiety so we have the confidence to achieve as much as we want. To enjoy this content, simply sign up for…

  • Wednesday Workshop: Motivation To Succeed

    This was the last call in our series about the SMART (specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, and time-driven) framework for defining and achieving our financial goals. We talked about how time can be used to motivate us to succeed, or can be used to make our goals more realistic. We also discussed how social anxiety and…