Penny Forward Merch

Penny Forward T-shirts, Sweatshirts, ant Tote bags  Designed And Produced by Blind Girl Designs

Tricia, from Blind Girl Designs, wearing the Penny Forward T-shirt
Tricia, from Blind Girl Designs, wearing the Penny Forward sweatshirt
Tricia, from Blind Girl Designs, standing with the Penny Forward totebag hanging over her shoulder

Penny Forward is proud to partner with Tricia, from Blind Girl Designs, to offer Penny Forward T-shirts, sweatshirts, and large tote bags, all imprinted with a design that highlights Penny Forward’s mission to build inclusive financial education programs for people who are blind or disabled.

In the center of this print, is a large, copper penny, we think a pretty good replica of a penny! On the left side of the penny, it says, “penny” in  green and on the right side it says “forward”.

Behind the coin are two white cane’s crossed in an x shape  each extending 14 inches diagonally across the large print. 

Surrounding the central penny, are a band of colorful little stars in gold, blue, purple, pink, red and yellow. Exploding beyond the band  of colorful stars are green and white stars that extend all the way to the edges of the 12 x 12 print, bringing a great dynamic to the print, a similar dynamic and  expansive energy, and freedom, that financial literacy can bring to all of us.